Tuesday, November 19, 2013

                 Student Success Statement

      “Work as a team to achieve your dream”                              Sarah Real


To achieve a goal sometimes, you need to work as a team to succeed. Team work would get you very far in life and would defiantly put you in the path to greatness and new opportunitys.

                       CHOOSE THE RIGHT

Friday, November 15, 2013

            Student Success Statement

"Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the  seeds.... You can grow Flowers, Or you can grow weeds..."                              ANON


This statement said by an unknown but wise man is a good example of choosing the right. you are what you think you are and you get out of it what you think is best for you. So think positive my young friends.

                CHOOSE THE RIGHT

                         Histology Specialists

Duties and Responsibilities:

Histology Specialists include both Histologic Technicians and Histologists.  Histologists are also referred to as Histotechnologists.  Both histologic technicians and histologists prepare tissue samples that are used by physicians to determine if a patient has a disease, dysfunction, or malignancy. 

Average Salary:

$22,000 - $35,000 (Histologic technicians)  $30,000 - $50,000 (Histologists)

Educational Requirements:

Students should take the most challenging high school courses in science, math, and English. 


In my opinion, i would actually enjoy becoming a Histology Scientists, since i myself love ;to help the  people in need. Also since i am one who is known for helping out the people.

                  CHOOSE THE RIGHT

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

               Student Success Statement 

"You will become as great as your dominant aspiration(GOAL)"           James Allen


James Allen has said one of the most inspiring quotes, i have ever heard. For you to have your mind set to high expectations, is one of the greatest things you will ever do in your life time and will be thankful in the future for the choices you mad as a young man/women.

                    CHOOSE THE RIGHT

                 Health Science Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Health Sciences Librarians and Library Technicians collect and organize medical information and help practitioners find the information they need for patient care, education, research, and administration. 

Average Salary:

 $20,000 - $30,000 (Library Technicians) 
$35,000 - $55,000 (Librarians) 

Education Requirements:

Students should take challenging high school courses in information management, science, math, and English


Me personally would actually like to be a health science librarian since I love helping out people when I see their in need of help.

                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Friday, November 8, 2013


   Student Success Statement
" A define worthy goal, combined with a positive mental attitude (PMA), is the starting point of all worthwhile achievement."
                        Napoleon Hill
When you set yourself a goal you like to achieve, it has to be with filled worthiness and combined with positive thought's and attitude. If not well then it is just a goal that you your self will not even be willing to accomplish my good friends.
                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!

      Health Information Specialist

                                                                                                                   Duties and Responsibilities: 

 Health Information Specialists obtain, post, and analyze medical, workload, finance, and insurance data.  They ensure that this information is properly recorded into medical records so practitioners can plan and evaluate health care provided to patients. There are a variety of job specialties within this field including Registered Record Administrators, Accredited Record Technicians, and Certified Coding Specialists.  Administrators coordinate the various information management responsibilities and supervise record technicians and coding specialists.  Record technicians ensure medical records are accurate, coordinate reimbursement, and maintain disease registries for research.   
Health information specialists work in hospitals, clinics, insurance companies, physician offices, and many other medical settings.

Average Salary: 

 $20,000 - $25,000 (Coding Specialists) 
$23,000 - $30,000 (Record Technicians) 
$30,000 - $40,000 (Record Administrators)

Educational Requirements:

Students should take high school courses in business, information management, science, math, and English. Coding specialists must have a high school diploma or GED certificate.  Training is usually conducted on the job, but classes are offered at technical schools and community colleges. Record administrators must complete a bachelor's degree program in the field and pass a certification examination.


By the requirements expected of a Health Information Specialist, really make me one day join that profession. One of the reasons in which I have chosen to one day be one of them is because, I like explaining to the people how health is the most important thing in this world. And with no health there is no you.

                 CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Student Success Statement

"We become what we think about."Earl Nightingale


This inspirational speech said by Earl Nightingale, and many others, is one of the most life changing quotes ever written. An example of this quote will be lets say if i think about one day becoming an officer, then one day i will become one. But lets say i am thinking of becoming a low life that lives in the streets well then that is what i will turn out to be in the future since i have put my mind to it.


                         Health Educator

Duties and Responsibilities:

Health educators provide information on health and health related issues. They can assess health training needs and plan health education programs. They may specialize  according to specific health concerns, illnesses, or work or training setting. Health educators may work as independent consultants or in health department, community organization, businesses, hospitals, schools, or government agencies. Health Educators often:
·         Provide health training needs assessments.
·         Design and develop health education programs
·         Publish health education materials, information papers, and grant proposals
·         Develop health education curriculum
·         Teach health in public and private schools

Average Salary: $20,000 - $35,000

Educational Requirements:

Students should tale college preparatory courses during high school.
Health educators have, as a minimum, a bachelor’s degree in health education. Many have master’s degrees. To be certified or licensed to teach in public schools requires a master’s degree and successful completion of a written exam in many states.

               CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

I would not really consider being a health educator since i don't really know much about it and also because it really doesn't catch my attention.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

   Student Success Statement

 “Good thoughts bear good fruit. Bad thoughts bear bad fruit.”

                James Allen


This statement said by a great man named James Allen, is one of the most inspirational, and well said quotes I have ever heard. A good example of this would be for example when you are thinking about negative thoughts, then the results would turn out to be negative as well. But let’s say you are thinking of happy, and positive thoughts then, the results would come out just as you expected them to turn out to be.

                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

    Genetic Counselor

Duties and Responsibilities:       

Genetic Counselors work with patients and families who have genetic, or inherited, disorders and birth defects.  They also counsel people who are at risk for these problems.  Genetic counselors often: 

  •  Educate patients and families about how to manage their problems

  • Examine family histories to determine the likelihood of genetic problems

  • Assist patients and families in reaching decisions about genetic disorders that do not conflict with their religious or ethical values.

  • Conduct research about genetic disorders.

  • Educate medical professionals and the general public about genetic disorders.

 Average Salary:  $25,000 - $55,000

Educational Requirements:   

Students interested in becoming genetic counselors should take a challenging high school curriculum that emphasizes science and mathematics. A master's degree is required, and most graduate programs require a strong undergraduate background in biology, chemistry, and behavioral science.  Many states require genetic counselors to be certified.

Answer: Do you think you would  like to be a Genetic  Counselor? Why? Why not?

Well me personally would love to become a Genetic Counselor in the future, since I love helping out people when there are having hard times, and are confused on how to deal with them.