Wednesday, March 19, 2014

                Student Success Statement 

"Let us have faith that right makes right, and in that faith let us to the end dare to our duty as we understand it."
      -Abraham Lincoln                  
This quote, said by one of our most loved presidents, is truly a motivational and inspirational one. It has pushed me and im pretty sure many others to reach for what ever our goal is and what ever you have to do, to make it right.
                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!

Radiation Therapist

Duties and Responsibilities: 

Radiation Therapist treats diseases using rays that hit the diseased area in a person’s body and ionizing it. Their equipment is very complex and must be used correctly. These treatments may be done for months until the disease is gone. To do this treatment the patient must have a prescription from other people. They also review charts and patients information.

Average Salary:$70,000-$80,000

Educational Requirements

Therapist must have observances during these treatments and know how its done.  It also requires a degree in radiation therapy. A bachelor’s or associates degree is also required.


Me personally wouldn’t like being a radiation therapist since am more interested on being a Pharmacist.

                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

          Student Success                    Statement
"The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity, integrity, and self-esteem."
        Dr. Laura Schlessinger

REFLECTION:Dr. Laura Schlessinger, once said that "the reward of doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon," to me and too many others, this quote is one we can all relate too. I mean when you do something right, that feeling you get in your chest, really makes you feel good about your self. Others might not agree with you but in the end, you are the one who is going to have to put up with the lifestyle you choose to live in.


Duties and Responsibilities:

Psychologists study the behavior and actions of people to understand, explain, and change their behavior patterns.  They also provide counseling and therapy to those with emotional, learning, and behavior problems.  Psychologists work in schools, clinics, hospitals, and private practice.  They can specialize in clinical, educational, quantitative, developmental, social, experimental, and industrial-organizational psychology.  Their duties often include:
  • ·         Diagnosing and treating problems.
  • ·         Interviewing and observing patients.
  • ·         Developing, selecting, and administering tests.
  • ·         Counseling patients, groups, and families.
  • ·         Developing mental health programs.
  • ·         Conducting research and teaching.

Average Salary: $45,000 - $65,000

Educational Requirements:

Students should prepare for a career in psychology by taking the most challenging (AP or IB) high school courses available, especially in English and science. Licensed psychologists must earn a Ph.D. in psychology.  Admission to graduate programs is usually dependent on the quality of undergraduate performance in a psychology major.  Clinical psychologists must complete a two-year supervised internship after earning their doctorate and pass oral and written state qualifying exams. School psychologists must earn at least a master's degree


I would love to one day wale up and be a Psychologist. So i would be able to have a better understanding on how, and why do people act a certain way.

                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Friday, March 14, 2014

                               Student Success Statement

         “Right is right only when entire.”
                  -Victor Hugo


This quote said by a wise man named Victor Hugo, is a really inspirational one since its meaning can and has impacted many lives. A good example will be like when someone goes to school to increase their education, they do whatever is right so that they can reach success.

                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

                 Student Success Statement

"The diffrence between the impossible and the possible lies in DETERMINATION."

-Tommy Lasorda


The diffrence between the possible and the impossible actually does lie on the determination one has, also how motivated one is to accomplish their goal. Determination is the key too success, specially when you are comitted to on sertain goal and you have your mind set up on how you are and will accomplish it.


                        Pharmacy Technician

Duties and Responsibilities:

Pharmacists compound, or prepare, prescriptions written by physicians, dentists, and other practitioners.  They review these prescriptions to validate their accuracy and then prepare the medication.  This can involve weighing, measuring, and mixing drugs.  Once the compounds are prepared, pharmacists then dispense them to customers and patients. Pharmacists work in hospitals, clinics, health departments, universities, and grocery, drug, and discount stores.  Those who work in stores must be aware of the other health supplies available in the store so they do not direct customers in the wrong direction.

Average Salary:$33,00 - $55,000

Educational Requirements:

Students should take the most challenging high school classes (including AP or IB) available in English, science, and math. All pharmacists must graduate from a college of pharmacy.  Most pharmacy schools require applicants to take the Pharmacy College Admissions Test (P-CAT), and some require up to two years of pre-pharmacy education.  Other colleges will admit students directly from high school. Normally it takes at least five years to earn a Pharmacy Degree.  To earn a Doctor of Pharmacy degree,  Pharm.D., requires at least six. 


I would certainly love to one day become a Pharmacy Technician. Since I would love to be the one who personally hand-delivers the medicine prescribed by their doctor to my wonderful ill patients.

                     CHOOSE THE RIGHT!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

                                              Student Success                                                           Statement

   "Go confidently on the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
            -Henry David                               Thoreau


This quote once said by a wise old man is a really motivational, and inspirational statement said by Henry David Thoreau. To be able to live the life you have always dreamed of is a real Winner in my book. But to do so you have to direct your self in the right route and go confidently on the direction of your dreams.

                  CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!


                                                     Duties and Responsibilities:

Pharmacists compound, or prepare, prescriptions written by physicians, dentists, and other practitioners.  They review these prescriptions to validate their accuracy and then prepare the medication.  This can involve weighing, measuring, and mixing drugs.  Once the compounds are prepared, pharmacists then dispense them to customers and patients. Pharmacists answer patients' and customers' questions about the drugs they are taking and drugs which can be sold over the counter.  In some cases, pharmacists are responsible for taking inventory of the drugs on the shelves and ordering any which they are low on. Pharmacists work in hospitals, clinics, health departments, universities, and grocery, drug, and discount stores.  Those who work in stores must be aware of the other health supplies available in the store so they do not direct customers in the wrong direction.

Average Salary: $33,000 - $51,000

Educational Requirements:

Students should take the most challenging high school classes (including AP or IB) available in English, science, and math. All pharmacists must graduate from a college of pharmacy.  Most pharmacy schools require applicants to take the Pharmacy College Admissions Test (P-CAT), and some require up to two years of pre-pharmacy education.  Other colleges will admit students directly from high school. Normally it takes at least five years to earn a Pharmacy Degree.  To earn a Doctor of Pharmacy degree,  Pharm.D., requires at least six


I would most likely end up being a pharmacist since i love helping out people. Especially when i could be the one mixing the medication they need for their sickness. Also since most of my family is in the medical feild.

               CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!